Concert youtube vids to temporarily restore one's faith in humanity

Briefly glimpsing into the collective one-ness of our species, through the power of Youtube vids

When I’m feeling particularly disillusioned with humanity, I may on rare occasion, fire up my collection of expertly curated Youtube videos of live musical performances that I have saved over the years.

You see, I am a zealot crusader of the one true faith of Skeptical Agnosticism.

But in my more idealistic and quasi spiritual musings, I do like to contemplate the possibility of our collective souls slowly forging together into a vast and euphoric one-ness of peace and love. Where the key to this grand awakening is nurtured through our souls tentatively connecting by the conduit of art and music.

Through such spiritual melding we come to realise the folly of killing each other and destroying the planet. We collectively decide to love thy fellow neighbor and stop the fussing and the fighting.

We decide to distribute our abundant resources fairly so nobody wants for anything.

We evolve into wise guardians of our precious Earth for our blessed children to inherit.

Some people say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.

In the meantime, while we wait for the dawning of the age of Aquarius… Let’s do the next best thing; peak into the slither of collective love energy (or what have you) by watching recordings where we may perhaps fleetingly gaze on the divine via the power or music and shared experience.

Lorde: Royals - KCRRW performance 2013

First up, we have Lorde, New Zealand’s very own sinestesia space cadet. In this clip we have the pleasure of watching Lorde truly immersed in her banger of a pop song. And before she got sick of the song no less. It’s like she has completely shut off the outside world, with all the anxious thoughts of judgment that go with it. She becomes one with the music. It’s quite the gift to bear witness.

Depeche Mode: Enjoy The Silence - Berlin 2014

There is something magical about watching these veteran Euro rockers doing what they were put on this planet to do. One must marvel how the band and the punters’ consciousness merge into collective love through the power of 80’s synth pop rock and leather vests that only a certain few could pull off.

Die Antwoord: Enter the Ninja - Pukkelpop 2014

Has there ever been a more holier genre of music than South African dance rave hip hop? I can’t think of any. Something about those trance beats propensity to float your essence away from the toil of the physical realm. I would encourage you, dear reader, to watch this one to the end; you shall be rewarded. Also pay attention to Ninja when he is not rapping, he does this awesome/ridiculous ninja Kata what have you.

Meat Loaf: I’d Do Anything For Love - 2013

The meat, the man. What can I say about this batshit song? This sweaty sweaty man doing what he was born to do, and completely owning it.

It’s nuts. The full orchestra, the pointing, the anticipation, the countless tempo changes, the duet that kicks in at the 6.45m mark.

A pleasure to watch the master of the rock power ballet, teasing the crowd as they beg for more. This man at one with his purpose as he approaches his final decade. As is the duality of Meat, one watches which equal parts disgust and deeply buried carnal yearning. Perhaps I would on a hot summer night, offer my throat to the wolf with the red roses.

This episode of this podcast got me on to this video, It is hilarious. I have listened multiple times while shitting myself with laughter.

Green Day: Full set - Woodstock 1994

This is a legendary performance in what was a disaster of a festival. If you don’t know what happens, it’s best just jumping straight in and watching this slowly unfolding train wreck. While not quite the peace and love from the Depeche Mode clip, more a American middle class suburban youth anarchy vibe. One love from a more energetic passionate angle perhaps.

Cam out

P.S. check out this vid to see Ninjas Kata in all it’s glory