
Hello, welcome to my little corner of the internet

Hello, I’m Cameron. International man of leisure

Cameron smiling at an outside playground

Hobbies, past and present include but not limited to…

Sour dough, learning the ukulele, eating too many chips, swimming, running, bike riding, dJing, extensively planning what to do when winning the lotto but never buying a ticket, kombucha, liking the idea of foraging but being too scared to eat anything, reading and watching many computer/software/web dev material, learning how to dad, configuring vim, ergonomic split mechanical keyboards, learning to spell the same words over and over again, eating extra hot curries, drinking whiskey, drawing cartoons, frisbee golf, buying second hand cowboy shirts off the internet, dwelling in existential despair, mediation, doing nothing and going on a potato diet.

I also do web development for a living.

I’m all about clean maintainable code.

I believe coding is best done as part of a team.

I believe in building software to last.

I believe in embracing test driven development, pair programming, fast feedback loops, a culture of refactoring and a obsession with simplicity.

Work history

I’m an employee at Catch Design where I’m a senior full stack developer.

I’ve been at Catch for about 5 years, previously other agencies and the occasional start up. I’ve been a professional web developer for 12ish years.

Past project highlights

Catch Design - IoD website rebuild

I worked with a close-knit team to deliver this beast of a website. This site has complex business requirements at all levels. It has the most insane form I have ever worked on (the join form). A custom build e commence solution, tight CRM integrations a robust news portal, as well as many other bells and whistles. This website is mission critical for the IoD.

Institute of Directors

HP Academy - promotional webinar system

HPA needed a well-tuned webinar system as part of their main sales strategy. The idea is to get people (mainly via Facebook Marketing) to sign up to a Webinar running later in the week. As well as reminder emails, the attendee has the option to opt in for TXT and browser notifications for when the Webinar is about to start. When the webinar is live, the attendees can use the custom built live chat to ask the host questions. At the end of the webinar the sales pitch is given, and a custom link is inserted into the chat for the attendees to buy the special deals. After the Webinar, the name and emails of the Attendees are sent to a CRM for a tad more marketing.

I built this solo using a few Cron jobs, a fair chunk of well tested backend Silverstripe code, integration with a few API’s for the TXT’s CRM’s etc, and built a custom Node.js chat server.


HP Academy - payment plan system

HPA wanted to experiment with offering customers different payment plans which would allow the customer to pay for the product over a number of weeks. It would need to work with both DPS and Paypal, and the support team would need to be kept in the loop if payments had been missed.

To accomplish this I solely built a system where payments due for the week are processed overnight. Failed payments are tried three more times over the following nights before the products are removed from the customer’s account. The support team is also emailed about failing payments so they can work something out with the customer. The payment plans are automatically marked as complete when all payments have been made.